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During these weird times the title 'Making the private, public' really resonated with me, I started reminiscing about how much I had changed in terms of sharing my own private to the public. This is something I did regularly before on my art Instagram. Over the past 2 years, I had been wanting to normalise talking about my issues, insecurities and problems by sharing them on my Instagram as a platform for people to come together and to be able to relate to some of the things going on in my life.

I felt like I was losing this individuality my account once had by posting less and less regularly. This motivated me to regain the unique aspect of my account by exploring different routes. 

Homeless people are a group who suffer from having to share their private to the public on a day to day basis with every situation. This interested me as we take our own space for granted as I had done with my Instagram. We’re so lucky to have our own space and privacy (on and offline). So how do homeless people make the outside as comfortable as it can be? Graffiti could or might be a way for them to familiarise themselves with their space or identify with their surroundings. 

Taking my inspiration from homeless people and how they might want to connect to their space through graffiti, I decided to regain power and reconnected with my virtual space. 

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